Squash Green Machine F1
Squash Green Machine F1
Squash Green Machine F1
Squash Green Machine F1
Squash Green Machine F1
Squash Green Machine F1

Squash Green Machine F1


$6.00 $4.75
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Shiny, finely speckled, dark green fruit are produced in high yields on vigorous plants. The compact plants offer an open habit for easy harvest of high quality fruit. Intermediate resistance to Px/ZYMV/WMV/PRSV.

Zucchini vines need full sun, rich fertile soil and warm temperatures. Plant only when spring weather is warm and settled and both day and night temperatures stay above 50°F (10°C). Sow 2 to 3 seeds 1 inch deep in groups 1 1/2 feet apart. Thin to 1 seedling per group. Alternatively, plant in slightly mounded hills, 3 feet in diameter and 3 feet apart. Sow 5 or 6 seeds in each hill 6 inches apart. When seedlings are several inches tall, thin to the 2 or 3 strongest plants in each hill.

Amend garden soil well with lots of aged manure or compost before sowing. Protect young seedlings from marauding birds by covering with plastic berry baskets at planting time, removing when plants get crowded. Be sure to thin properly; you’ll get more zucchini from two or three well-spaced plants as from more crowded and thus disease prone ones. Covering plants with floating row covers will help prevent squash borers if these pests are a problem in your area.

Dark green Raven are easy to find and pick. Harvest when young, no larger than 5 inches in length; all zucchini lose flavor and quality with size. Frequent harvesting keeps plants producing tasty new fruits all season long. Tender-fleshed and delicate, Raven zucchini are scrumptious simply steamed or sliced lengthwise and grilled on the barbecue.

Seeding depth: 1 - 1.5 inches
Germination days: 6 - 12 days
Maturation days: 45 days

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Gardenerstars sells the finest and freshest seeds in the industry. All we sell is 100% pure seed: no additives, no fillers…EVER! As such, our germination rates far exceed government standards, and when planted according to recognized practices, should provide lasting and satisfying results for years to come.

That said, we can make no explicit guarantees or allowances for circumstances over which we have no control. Bad weather, poor timing, and human error can all lead to unanticipated and unsatisfactory results. As all experienced gardeners are aware, Mother Nature does not guarantee perfection, and neither can we. What we can, and do promise, however, is that the products you purchase from us will be of the highest quality to be found anywhere.

If you have a question or complaint concerning germination, or if you believe the products you received were mislabeled, visit our Refund & Return Policy page for further instructions.